Faith of Islam
All praise is due to Allah, the Almighty. We seek help from Him, we request His Guidance, we hope for His Mercy, Forgiveness, and Blessing.
We seek refuge with Him against our own evils and against committing sins.
Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide, "and whomsoever Allah leaves astray none can guide."
I bear witness openly and wholeheartedly that there is no deity worthy to be worshiped but Allah, who has no partner, and I bear witness openly that Muhammad the son of Abdullah, (PBUH) is His slave and last Messenger.
He fulfilled the mission and delivered the message of Islam and advised the nation.
So that Allah has lift the hardship of the community and he strived in Allah's way till he passed away. He worshiped His Lord glory be to Him, till the end of his life.
He suffered during his lifetime in order to guide the misguided and to lead the distracted.
Alhamdulillah! that I am one of those being guided (Muslim) believing the faith of Islam the only religion accepted from Allah (SWT)
Five Pillars of Islam
Being a Muslim I need to believe the five Pillars of Islam:
- To Believe in One God (Allah) SWT and Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet of Allah.
- To Pray five (5X) times a day
- To Fast the month of Ramadan
- To Pay Zakat
- To Perform Pilgrimage (Hajj) one in a life time (Mecca)